About trying to raise a boy with Autism and ADHD whilst keeping a sense of humour.

Monday, September 5, 2011

OT and Aspie moments.

Today was his second session of OT today. It went really well. He flitted from one activity to the next, but his therapist was great at keeping him on track. He even got to play with scissors.
The funniest moment came when she asked Thomas to crack open the theraputty to find the animals inside. The first one was a tiny baby (rubber) crocodile. Well that scared him and he almost refused to look at it, let alone touch it. Funny as. Even now he will tell you he was scared of the crocodile.

The Aspie moment of the day way the best. Being a direct Aspie child can really work in ones favour. I asked the neighbour (builder) what he was going to do to repair the back yard. He told me he would get around to it soon. Hm-mm. Like this mummy believes that.

Next thing Thomas goes over to the fence to ask him when is he going to fix his grass back up. Because he wants to play. I love my son.

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