It also means he is playing with children of a variety of abilities within his own age grouping. He seems to be enjoying being around other children of his own age bracket again and has bonded to yet another little girl. I wonder if she knows he is bonded to her yet?
In fact it took a good month to work out who his "friend" was. He spent the first month mispronouncing her name. Even the day care staff could not work out who he was talking non stop about. It was not until she arrived the same time as Thomas one morning that I clued on to who it was.
The mainstream day care are more flexible too. It does not matter too much if I am running late or a touch early. I am not growled at as his parent needing that extra time occasionally or in an emergency.
The pre prep program at "little people" school has also been great. It is a small group of 4 students with an aide and teacher in the room. They give chill out time and work great on the sensory play. He is getting that intense therapy time so close to home. The other thing is the group is 4 little boys. All different yet all brought together for an intense learning program.
He also seems to really like all of his teachers and aides this year with no real detest for anyone. Touch wood that is amazing and has made for very little separation anxiety and home time meltdowns.
Therapy with his speech therapist and Occupational Therapist have been going well too with the recommended Trampoline being delivered and well used all ready with positive results especially if I can get him on the tramp before any appointments or days at school where he needs to have a little bit of stillness to him. I not sure how long the effect is lasting but I am really trying to get him to bounce for 20-40minuets. And witht he tramp we choose he can do "activities" on the mat that give him focus and movement all at the same time.
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