About trying to raise a boy with Autism and ADHD whilst keeping a sense of humour.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


We are going through a phase at the moment where Thomas HATES wearing clothes. Well anything other than PJ's that is. And some days only just the shorts.

This has made for an interesting week. Yep we have got to the point of not caring what he is wearing as long as he has clothes on when we go out. So if that means he goes out in satin boxers and a t-shirt, well so be it.

I am not sure what started this but it has slowly been creeping up on us in the last couple of months. He started off just protesting about getting dressed (often loudly and occasionally violently), but now it is flat out refusal to wear anything other than pj's most day.

He has not complained about what the issue with clothes actually is. Well other than the other night, where everything either blew raspberries at him or was too noisy. (very funny conversation with Thomas.) So is this just another Thomas quirk or an ASD quirk? I am not sure, but I know this is a hard one for me to deal with, to let down my standard of appropriate dress. But there are some battles not worth fighting as there are others that are more important right now.

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